Post Equipment Revenue


The Post Equipment Revenue option is used to generate general ledger accounting entries for internal revenue calculated on equipment.

No revenue is calculated for equipment that is linked to a supplier code in Equipment Management (Time Management module) if the option Supplier Invoice Reconciliation is installed. As for other equipment, the cost of this equipment is charged to the projects identified in the hours entered, but the offset is charged to the project, activity, and group identified in the Project Configuration (Projects module), under the Supplier Invoice Reconciliation section. For more information, refer to the Reconciling Supplier Hours documentation.

This posting creates a Project-to-Project Transfer. The date used for the transfer is the end date of the date range selected when the created transaction is transferred.


If a piece of equipment was used during a period that overlaps two financial periods (in the general ledger), two project-to-project transfer transactions will be created. The first will be dated on the last day of the financial period, and the second will be dated on the last day of the selected date range.






maestro* > Time Management > Project Time > Accounting > Post Equipment Revenue


Create the Equipment Posting Report

  1. Select the Date Range Selection.

The date range matches the dates for transactions to be posted. The income entry created by the project-to-project transfer will be posted based on the end date selected in this field.

  1. Click Accept.

The report includes hour transactions for non-transferred equipment that will be automatically transferred when they are posted.



Holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard while clicking Accept activates an SQL optimization function for improved posting performance. This function is available in SQL mode only.


See Also


Last modification: February 20, 2025